Finnskogen Natur Kultur Helse Gård offers recreation. Our vision: “With love for the earth, the forest and the culture we will together find recognition and power.”
We want to be an offer for people seeking a place they can find strength. At Finnskogen Nature Culture Health Farm you can stay for a shorter or longer period. You can choose whether you want to take part in the farm work or spend the time to experience the nature around the farm on your own.
We are also here for you who want to go away to “strengthen your soul” – spend days in peace and contemplation. Sometimes it’s enough to just sit on a stump in the woods and listen.
For those who want an active stay, we offer canoeing, long walks in the woods or you can participate in “good old-fashioned farm work”. We cater for both single guests and groups.
Contact us for a quote!