Finnskogen Natur Kultur Helse Gård (Finnskogen Nature Culture Health Farm) is situated high and free in the heart of the mysterious Finnskogen. The nature, the forest, the soil, the plants, the animals, the river, and the rich story work hand in hand to create a unique frame around the activities on the farm.
- We are under development. Our idea is to run a farm with offers in workdays, weekend offers and the possibility of longer stays for people who want to get close to nature, says Merete Furuberg. She runs the Finnskogen Natur Kultur Helse Gård together with Nina Wiger, Terezia Uhereková, Stanislav Uherek and Per Myhra. The farm's advisers are Gunnar Tellnes and Merete Larsmon. Guests have many activities they can choose from: Riding, fishing, kayaking, canoeing or rowing boats, taking care of the animals on the farm, walking in the forest or cultivating their own vegetables. "We will help you with land area if you want to become a part of Finnskogen Andelslandbruk. Otherwise, it is possible to buy some of the farm's many products, says Merete Furuberg. Among all the activities the farm offers, the horses are very popular with the guests. "Interaction between horse and a human can bring forth feelings, self-awareness and communication that are hardly available in other ways," said Nina Wiger. She has a long experience as an instructor and gladly teaches on the farm's own riding track.